Is CA mentoring program are helpful option?

Contrary to what some people say, Mentoring program can pay off. Of course, a lot depends on the Mentoring program and the client’s approach. My experience, both as a Mentoring program and as a client shows that there are some benefits of Mentoring program:

  1. Setting a specific goal

Sounds trivial, but it is indeed the basic task of CA Final Mentoring program. If you don’t figure out what you want, chances are you will get it. I used the word “you want” for a reason – before you set a goal, you check what its achievement should give you. What need will it satisfy? What are the benefits?  It happens that the answers to these questions change the goal itself – because the most important thing is the effect we want to achieve. The goal itself indicates how you will achieve it.

  1. Determining the way to achieve the goal.

You know what your goal will be, you decide what, how, and when you will do to achieve it. That is why the goal should include measurable, timed, feasible, i.e. real. Determining the path to the goal is in accordance with you – your values, possibilities, and… desires. You write everything down carefully, task by task so that you can check where you are along the way.

  1. Getting to know the blockades on the way to the goal-You already know what you want, you have a set goal and an action plan, everything happens in accordance with your values, the environment supports you, and yet – somehow you are not doing well. Suddenly, unforeseen obstacles pile up, you lose your strength and self-confidence, you find a thousand more urgent tasks … Objective obstacles? If you follow a little deeper, you may find yourself sabotaging your own actions. You do not believe that you can make it, that the world is favorable to you, you do not give yourself the right to be happy
  2. Build a deep self-motivation to achieve your goal-When your motivation to achieve the whole comes from outside, from the fear of punishment or loss, you don’t really influence it. When external pressure disappears, so does motivation. That is why it is so important to find the internal motivation that gives you wings to act. Sure, making every life change comes with effort, and our brains don’t like new solutions, they prefer not to strain. Proper motivation allows you to survive in times of crisis and move forward as planned.
  3. Learning useful tools– You are working on one specific issue, but the tools you learn can be successfully applied to other life dilemmas. The Mentoring program has the knowledge, gives support, is able to react in an adequate way, and provides a distance perspective. It is invaluable support. The Mentoring program also teaches you smart ways to deal with stalemate situations, and these methods are most often derived from the latest neurobiological knowledge. Nothing prevents you from using them on your own in the future.
  4. Freezing in the flow of life in order to realize what you really mean, what you want, and how you want to feel, you need a moment to breathe. Stopping, a moment of mindfulness gives you time and space for reflection. Many people fear this moment and what they will discover when they look at and around themselves. Without reflection, however, there is no chance for a change that will lead you to the place you miss. (Although this point is the shortest, it is the most important in my opinion – it is the basis of the Mentoring program process).


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