IT industry is considered as one of the biggest and fastest growing industry. Every year new technologies and trends come in IT sector that makes programmers life easy. With this updated technology pattern it has contributed too many of its subparts including web development wherein it has created a huge demand for the same with web designers. Nowadays it is not easy to satisfy customers because only online presence is not enough, users also love the websites that are more interactive and that used more updated technologies. Web design industry always goes through with new trends to stay relevant and inspiring in this field. Making a powerful web design maintain knowledge about new technologies is very necessary. Always updates with every upcoming event in this industry. To make an attractive web design a person must have good knowledge about all the trendy languages such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Net, Pythonetc. these all languages used by web developers. There is too much growth in the development field for the candidates because of the huge opportunities.
Artificial Intelligence: The demand for the elegant web layout that is more responsive, more layouts are on the rise. Today most of the website makes the use of Artificial intelligence with animation; visual images to leaves a long-lasting impression to the customers. Now a day developers can use program that asks questions from developers about layout, colors, and content then automatically with the pre-programmed algorithms design a layout for you.
IOT (Internet of Things): Everyday web developers face some interesting challenges. This trend has seen an exponential growth of 31.72% from 2015 to 2019. As this web development trends always needs something new to create for working smartly on the internet. After web developers find a solution that is upgraded and will allow users to have a control over communication with their equipment and gadgets. Web developers may not directly involve in the creation of IoT devices but they can make the application that uses analyses and display the data.
Rails 5: It is a new major version of Ruby on Rails. Rails come with so many exciting features that help web developers to create a dynamic attractive website. Ruby and rails make web designing much easy and fun. It includes everything you need to build fantastic applications.
Static Website Generator: Static website generator websites from plain text. There are many open system software through which you can easily generate a static website design. It provides lots of benefits and advantages to developers by providing lots of security and speed. It does not provide useful content or real-time content like comments, which is now acted to be the most important thing in today’s world. Many of the developers believe that it is most essential and one of the latest trends seen in 2017 for web development
By using these trends you can easily get rid of your old website design. These trends will definitely be seen on some of the best websites in coming years. There are many latest trends comes in 2017 that is very helpful and useful for the web developers. By using these latest trends developers can easily make eye attentive website with lots of features.
Top Framework that is mostly used by web developers:
Angular JS: It is a JavaScript open source framework, which is known as front-end framework. The Angular work by first reading the HTML code with all the custom attributes and tags into it. After Angular 2the framework angular 4 was released. This is one of the best frameworks that developers used and considered as a crucial part of next web development project. With this designers can create a flexible and reliable design for their website.
React.js: React is a JavaScript library for building the user interfaces. This library is used by the developers to create a user interface for a web application. React give flexibility to developers, that allows the developers to create large web-based applications that use data that can change over time, without reloading them. Its aim is to provide simplicity, speed, and reliability.
ASP.NET: It is one of the best frameworks that are used by the developers to create dynamic websites and apps. It is a server-side web application framework. ASP.NET is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR) allowing the programmers to write code using any supported .NET language.
Meteorjs: This framework is used for software development. This framework allows the developers to build website faster, by using front-end and backend JavaScript coding. It allows producing cross-platform code. It was first introduced in December 2011. This framework makes programmers life much easy because from above all it requires less code and also performs testing in every phase.
Yii Framework: This framework is also an open source framework that works best for PHP. Yii framework has many features and comes up with many inbuilt libraries and component base models, functions, event-driven programming features. The web application that has built with Yii is running smoothly and swiftly.
These are some useful framework that is mostly used by the web developers because of its existing features. By using these frameworks you can easily create a dynamic, responsive website. Which framework you will go used it completely depends on your requirements and functionality of the frameworks. Choose one of the best frameworks with your project needs. With the huge advancement and scope craze for the development among candidates is highly increased day by day. If you are new in this field and want to make your career in development than by using these frameworks and new trends you can easily create your own website. Every year there are lots of web designing and development jobs vacancies offered by lots of different companies.