7 Ways to Keep Your Workplace Pest-free

pest control service brisbane companies

Any office with flies buzzing around cannot have a pleasant ambiance to work. Your colleague will start to complain about itchy bites. Pests in offices can bring down productivity causing health hazards. Take a preventive step to kill them before it turns serious.

Tips to Control Pest in Your Office

  1. Avoid to Keep Trash: Every office needs a garbage to store the unused or leftover stuff. But, your stuff is the dinner of the pests in your office. Clean the tiny crumbs of food from the floor. These crumbs can attract thousands of insects. Always cover the office dustbin properly. Empty the trash once completely filled.
  2. Clean Your Office Often: Regular cleaning is essential to promote healthy air in your office. Control the pests to keep your employees healthy and happy. Implement daily regimes of cleanliness. You can hire an experienced pest control service Brisbane to do deep cleaning once in a week.
  3. Take Proper Care of the Plants: Do research on how to look after the plants in your office. Plants give shelter to many pests. The pests may grow rapidly without proper care to the office plants. Fungus gnats observe in office plants are responsible for improper water supply. Make sure you’ve removed them by following strictly the guidelines of office plant care.
  4. Never Leave the Drinks Unsealed: Many a time, your employees leave unsealed drinks on their tables. As such, moist is developed in the office environment. Close the cork of the drinks after you use it. Sugar elements in the sweet flavoured drinks attract ants. So, dispose them for sure after the office hours.
  5. Efficient Management of Waste: One of the common offenders of pest is improper waste management. As for instance, your colleague may dispose half eaten meals in the dustbins. Ask them to throw it away at some distant place. In this way, you can prevent the growth of pests.
  6. Don’t Ignore the Pantry: Food consumption and preparation take place in the pantry of your office. Disposal of food and wastage of water also happen here. In this way, it draws in pests hunting for food. Moreover, this kind of moist environment quicken the growth of pests. The pantry section is thus likely to change into a home for the pests without proper maintenance for a long time. So, cleaning the pantry area on a regular basis is vital.
  7. Thoroughly Inspect the Building: Inspect all the openings of your office building. Find out whether it has any crack wider than ¼ inch. Any crack bigger than it can act as the passageway for the pests. Seal the cracks with metal flashing. You can also use concrete to seal. It’s better to hire a professional for this purpose.


Get in touch with a well-known pest control service Brisbane company to get rid of these silent killers. Take care of your office-space to ensure a healthy life to your employees and thus to boost your productivity.

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