When Bangalore is called the Silicon Valley of India it is not to be taken lightly. This city is the breeding ground for hundreds of tech startups as well as the safest haven for large companies. Since the 1980s Bangalore has worked its way up to being the IT hub it is today. No wonder technological education would be at its best in Bangalore. Big data training in Bangalore is, therefore, to be trusted with ease.
The great Indian talent pool
India has been providing IT professionals to the whole world. To whichever country you may travel you will meet a bunch of Indian techies who are really killing it. Why should it be any different with big data analytics? India was a little late to catch up with the global trend of implementing analytics. Not only has India found her place in the global analytics scenario but hosts the third largest pool of analytics talent right after USA and China. LinkedIn has recently revealed that India is in the top three in terms of AI workforce – 46% of the Indian AI workforce did not need any up-skilling. Hence the situation is quite hopeful for India.
Analytics Education in India
The Indian education system has lately adopted an industry-oriented model. In such a model the academic module is designed in close relation to the needs of popular industries. The success of this model could easily be seen in the technological sector. However, the formal education system has taken a bit too long to reach global standards in terms of analytics education. You may not find too many advocates of the fact that formal education can create great data analysts. The private facilities of big data training in Bangalore have had a vital role to play in the procreation of a stable and capable analytics workforce.
The job is not done yet
When it comes to big data analytics in India the signs are all positive but that does not mean that India as a nation has reached her maturity in terms of data analytics and data science implementation. It will probably take a few more years to close the skill gap that exists in the big data analytics industry. Now, as big data finds its application in various fields the requirements from the employees are also evolving. The training procedure would have to stay in line with the latest industry trends while keeping the basics in place.
If you happen to have a degree in computer science and a keen interest in mathematics, statistics and a natural knack for numbers and patterns then analytics is your game and Bangalore is the ideal ground. Analytics is getting really big in India, why not be a part of it?