4 ways to clean stainless steel without tarnishing the finish

Stainless steel bathroom and kitchenware is everyone’s favourite as they’ve the tendency to retain a cleaner surface, resist corrosion and dust as well. If you’ve stainless steel utensils and tools in the house, you must know of its potential, however, frequent exposure to dust, dirt and grime put it at risk of potential corrosion. Luckily, it responds well to general cleaning as long as you follow certain rules and work your way with the basics.

  1. Rinse with water: How it’ll do?

Routine cleaning with warm water, liquid soap and a wipe from non-abrasive cloth give best results. This is perhaps the least risky option especially with stainless steel cleaner; just plain water would get the job done in most cases.

After every rinse, dry with a clean cloth to prevent water spots which are important because mineral deposits leave behind nasty, white spots.

As you wipe, do so in the directions of polish lines for best results. Microfiber cleaning cloths are great at the absorbing water so they’re really a good choice and won’t scratch the surface.

  1. How dish soap would do?

If cleaning requires some extra power, warm water and mild dish soap would do a great job without tarnishing the stainless steel. Just a few drops of liquid dishwashing detergent and warm water is all you need to remove even the toughest dust settlement.

Another way is dipping a smooth piece of cloth in the soapy solution and gently rubbing the steel surface. Treat the dirtiest spot first and work your way through, rinse with warm water and dry it immediately in the end to keep the lustrous surface.

  1. Glass cleaner for fingerprints

Shiny surfaces such as stainless steel collect fingerprint stains frequently which is annoying, though, it’s nothing you can’t deal with. If you’ve fine quality glass cleaner or household ammonia, removing impressions is a cinch!

Spray the cleaner on a microfiber cloth or directly on the material surface (use only a little to avoid waste), wipe in a circular motion and repeat if needed. Rinse with hot water eventually and towel dry.

How about buying stainless steel that resists fingerprints? You can easily find a range wherever bathroom and kitchenware are sold.

  1. The typical stainless steel cleaner

If you managed tough stains and scratches on the surface or simply requires polishing, an industry-grade stainless steel cleaner can be a neat option. If you’re lucky enough to find one, it won’t just clean but prevent stains and scratches with polishing ingredients. Read the directions on the cleaner so as to avoid ruining the actual material.

Make sure the cleaner is chlorine-free as this particular chemical is a natural enemy to stainless steel and can tarnish the surface easily. Ammonia is a fine and safe alternate whereas all wipes and scrubbers to be used on such surfaces must be smooth (non-abrasive). Better test on inconspicuous spots rather than testing on the actual thing for assurance.


Only through proper care and maintenance can you keep stainless steel spotless so be sure adhering to the steps outlined above.


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