Six SEO Tips to Focus on Your Small Business

Six SEO Tips to Focus on Your Small Business

If people don’t visit your business’ website, then it most likely won’t gain the success you want to accomplish. That’s why if you want more relevant audiences to discover your website design Abu Dhabi, then you’ll need to focus on search engine optimization strategies. This can help you gain more organic traffic and have your target audience keep coming back.

You can hire the services of SEO companies, but what if you’re a small business that doesn’t have the budget yet? There are SEO strategies and tips you can still implement on your own so read on to learn more about them!

SEO Tips For Your Small Business

Search engine optimization can help you rise to the top of search results pages, having more people click your site and content they are interested in. But with the hundreds, if not thousands, websites aiming for the same keyword as you are, how can you stay on top? Here are the seven effective tips you can follow:

Optimize For Voice Search

Did you know typing is only ONE of the ways people use for searching? This year, voice search is becoming increasingly popular, with almost half of homes in America having a digital assistant, either on their phones or in-home smart devices. Up to 70% of them use such devices for searching up different things daily.

Because of this, it’s time to optimize your content to match voice searches and assistants such as Echo, Siri, Alexa, Google Home, among others. This means more specific and long-tail keywords that are phrased as if people were talking or in a conversation.

 Publish Valuable Content Often

It isn’t just about the keywords you use in your content, but what the content holds as well. Quality content will always stay on top of search results, as search engines wouldn’t want to disappoint their searchers with substandard results that leave them dissatisfied with the answer.

Besides this, search engine bots are similar to people, paying attention to websites that frequently update their content. You need to stay consistent with your posts and quality of content to keep your target audience engaged.

You don’t need to post full-length posts every second. You can post blogs, short videos, infographics, or downloaded content. Just be sure that isn’t valuable to your target audience and schedule it according to the times they are most likely online to view it.

What’s Your EAT Reputation?

Expert, Authority, and Trustworthy, or EAT reputations are crucial to keep your audience interested and search engine bots satisfied with your content to put you on top of their results pages.

When creating content, you need to establish EAT, having only experts, authoritative, and trustworthy websites and resources.

This is because no one likes fake or half-baked news. They want something true and complete to read and take in, so they wouldn’t have to go to another page to find out more. If ever you have a bad EAT reputation, you’re most likely going to lose traffic AND go further down results page rankings.

Don’t Forget About the Small Details

While keywords are one of the most crucial parts of your SEO company Abu Dhabi, they aren’t the only ones to focus on. Not a lot of people look into the small details, which set them up for disaster.

For example, website owners forget about how important image optimization is, saving image tags and names as random names. Remember, search engines also check images on their ALT text and tags. Besides this, look into your heading tags, utilizing the different headers for search engine bots to easily read, giving you higher chances of staying on top of the search rankings.

Check Your Internal Links

Everyone loves to see links to show how what you say is authoritative and true. Even search engine bots love it! You will want a healthy number of links that can send your visitors to relevant websites based on your content.

But be sure to check your internal and external links regularly to prevent visitors from going to an error 404 page. This can also negatively impact your search ranking, too. Fortunately, there are tools that can crawl and check for broken links, which help in your website ranking performance.

Optimize the Metadata

You can easily find things when they are organized and labeled properly, and this tip applies to both in the outside and online world. You need to customize and organize your metadata, which are your title tags and meta descriptions. This will have people and search engine bots understand and verify web pages, with the potential of searchers visiting your website out of interest. The title tag should be short and interesting, while your meta description should be only up to 160 characters long, a summary of what the content is about.


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