High-Quality Additional Services Offered by Cleaning Professionals for Clean Houses

carpeting cleaning manhattan

When people get offered with some little extra services they feel obliged and grateful to the company and often call them for help. The cleaning carpeting cleaning nyc and carpeting cleaning manhattan offers some additional services to their clients for whom they don’t charge extra and provides a high-quality solution. Below are some of their discussed additional services.

  1. Cleaning Carpets with Organic chemicals

A person talks about the green environment but doesn’t follow completely. Some cleaning experts use harsh detergents and chemicals on carpets and rugs for cleaning their stains. Such an aggressive use of chemicals removes the stain though affects the quality of carpets. Professional cleaners must use chemical free shampoos for removing stains from the carpets. The natural, organic solution of cleaning cleans the carpet better and lasts longer than chemical cleaning. Experts should follow the policy of eco-friendly services.


  1. Offering service for cleaning house drapes

The professional expert cleaner offers another service of cleaning drapes and blinds of houses. The hand dry cleaning solution specializes in the treatment of silk draper cleanings with delicate handling. Other fabrics can also get clean and dust free, using other cleaning chemicals hence restoring the color and beauty. They repair damaged drapes and blinds after careful inspection. They schedule the appointment before starting the cleaning of drapes and inspect drapes and blinds from the corner. Once done, they provide the estimation. Taking down and reinstalling of drapes and blinds, all are taken care of by professionals and they charge no extra cost.


  1. Repairing Moth Damage Rugs

The most witnessed damage to rugs by moths can commonly be found in houses. They eat natural fibers like cotton, wool, and silk. Under the hot and humid condition, they grow in dark places and starts damaging the rugs if not cleaned in years. For controlling the moth damage, regular house cleaning is needed otherwise valuable goods can be damaged by these insects. The Persian and Oriental rugs are common and if not preserved with care, then their quality can be lost. The experts carpeting cleaning nyc and carpeting cleaning manhattan expose the rugs in sunlight for a couple of days so that moths can be removed. After that, vacuumed those rugs and then washed with detergents and water so that all the dirt can be removed. They restore the damaged portion by knitting the rug.


  1. Removing pet odor from carpets and rugs

The expert cleaners remove the pet stains from the carpets using shampoos and chemicals but also remove their odor by using eliminators. The procedure constitutes steps where pet urine gets identified. Once they locate the area using tools then treat with a chemical so that urine can be extracted. The enzymes get injected so that minute level also all urine can be extracted from the fibers of carpets. And then applying enzyme causing bacteria solution that eats the odor-causing organic material making the carpets odor-free in the high temperature.

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